FeSO4 x 7H2O reagent
Brand: Baltic Agro
Packaged:800,0 g
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Ex Tax: 4.95€
Green vitriol FeSO4 x 7H2O (Ferrous sulfate).
Almost 200 years ago, it was proved that plants need iron salts for normal growth and fruiting (moreover, the warmer the climatic zone, the higher the need for iron in plants). Lack of iron manifests itself in chlorosis - yellowing of leaves, reduced yields and acute starvation, even the death of trees.
There is only one iron-containing fertilizer - ferrous sulfate (iron sulfate).
It contains salts in two forms: ferrous sulfate - FeSO4 and ferric sulfate - Fe2 (SO4) 3.
Any fertilizers containing iron sulfate in these forms are not recommended for foliar spraying, since in this form they are poorly absorbed by plants and can burn the tops (moreover, iron is poorly transferred from one part of the plant to another). That is why, with chlorosis, the tops of shoots with young leaves are the first to suffer. Therefore, ferrous sulfate is best applied at the root.
There are iron-containing preparations in a chelated state that can be used for foliar spraying, but they are expensive, so it is simply not profitable to apply them at the root (at the same time, chelated fertilizer is better absorbed by plants both when spraying and when watering at the root).
The whole trick is that the iron ion is bound by some active substance, therefore, in this form, iron is more mobile and does not bind so quickly to the soil - for example, citric acid.
This phenomenon has long been noticed by gardeners and use homemade chelate compositions, increasing the effectiveness of ferrous sulfate, first spreading 1-2 tablespoons of citric acid in a bucket and only then pouring a tablespoon of ferrous sulfate (by the way, citric acid neutralizes the hardness of water, increasing the effectiveness of other fertilizers, even better than nitrophoska).

For treating trees and shrubs against pests and diseases.
For spraying fruit trees and berry bushes, a 3-5% solution of ferrous sulfate is prepared (300-500 g in 10 liters of water). Sprayed in early spring (before bud break) or late autumn (after leaves fall), as well as in case of moss appearance on tree trunks and on the lawn.
Spraying lawns.
Moss appears on the lawn if the soil is too dense and poorly ventilated with air, poor in nutrients, in the shade, too wet or acidic.
Ferrous sulfate helps to restore the lawn, making it thick and green. The iron content in ferrous sulfate plays an important role in the biological processes of plants, improving grass growth. Iron vitriol is based on natural minerals and does not harm plants.
To remove moss on the lawn, dissolve 200 g in 10 liters of water and spray over an area of ​​20 m².
After using ferrous sulfate, the moss turns black due to the acidity in the topsoil. The blackened moss is removed from the lawn, and soil is poured onto the formed "bald spots" and new seeds are sown. To get rid of moss, we recommend regularly aerating the lawn (using the piercing method) and reducing the acidity of the soil with slaked lime.
Terms of application: from April to October as required. Not recommended for use during dry and rainy seasons.

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